Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sharin' the love :)

I firmly believe in giving credit where credit is due, sharing the love and spreading the wealth; so i am dedicating this post to my fellow blogging mama's. The below links will bring you to some of my favorite posts from some of my favorite bloggers on the interwebz. Check 'em out, follow them and savor the awesomeness. :)

Love, Honor & Wash the Dishes - The post the link will take you to, is one of the BEST tutorials on making your own laundry soap I have EVER seen. It is easy to follow, has lots of pictures and is very,very well written. Along with the laundry soap recipe, she also includes recipes for easy, inexpensive, and delicious. Go check her out and share the love!

Bacon In My Pocket - Ma Bacon(as the author calls herself) is the QUEEN of thrifty living, hands down. She shares all sorts of recipes,tips and tricks to keep a little "bacon in your pocket". Her recipes are to die for and the cost of the ingredients will leave a wallet a little heavier. Check 'er out, share the love!

Prudent Baby - This is my favorite site for DIY sewing tutorials! They are easy-to-follow, fun and the finished projects are super,super cute! Check them out!

Have a blog you love to follow? Share it below! I'm always looking for more great blogs to follow :)


  1. Thanks SO much for the blogin' love!! I'm not sure I'm the queen, but I'm glad I can share my thriftiness with others!

  2. Ma- You most def. ARE the queen. . if not the queen. . at least a duchess :) And, no problem, i tell it how i see it :)
